Italy: Last european hold out to recognize same sex marriage

Italy news gay marriageItaly has been know to be a  socially conservative  country given  it is the seat of the Catholic church, and is the ony country remaining  in Europe that does not recognize same sex  marriages or civil unions.  With the church's anti - same sex relationship stance it is no surprise that any change to the current position  regarding man-women, women- women, man-man would take great debate. 

In April 2004 a court in the city of Grosetto, Region of Tuscany was ordered to recognize a gay  couple who were wed in NYC, USA,  whcih was a major victory for gay rights advocats. 

By Auguut the Interior minister Angeliano Alfano  of the center right party named; The People of Freedom  ( previously also a  part of Berlusconi's cabinet ),  ordered for mayors of Italian towns to stop recognizing gay marriages even though there was no law preventing them to do so. City officials in Naples rebuttled and decreed they would challenge the directive.

 Fast forward to 2015, where a referendum has been held up in parliament for months with members unsure if the bill to allow same sex marriages would pass or not.  Some say there is only 25% support for this initative and others believe support is more. 

The last controversial referendum regarding the social issue of divorce was passed by  a 60% vote in 1974.  Given the Irish  recent approval  of 62% regarding same sex marriages could Italy's vote  be far behind?  


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